Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The unwatched pot boilth over

So I woke up this morning having one of those days that you know is just going to be a fight. Not necessarily with anyone in particular--perhaps just yourself and some unknown gorilla in the mist who hates returning email.

Amy did not want to go to the doctor this morning. Struggle from here to South Tampa. Words did not want to come out of my fingers and flow prolifically onto the screen. No one has answered an email in days, and I've now officially tired of Jessie taking off her diaper by herself. Seriously over it.

So at about 2:00, I just stopped fighting the day. I picked up my book (a great read--The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao--and read. Then, when it got too hot, I swam and left my phone and the computer to deal with that damn gorilla themselves.

And you know what? During that 2 hour break I literally got 4 unexpected, yet very wonderful emails and 2 phone calls that replaced a couple of question marks with periods.

And even if all four of those emails don't come to fruition--the fifth one may just be my future career.

It was from the woman who conducted our wine tasting on Saturday. She was so impressed with my mad cooking skillz, she actually asked me to cater an event for her.

I got culinary game. At least I did on Saturday.


JODI said...

How 'bout applying for next seasons search for "The Next Food Network Star?" You got, I think, what it takes in personality.

Tracey said...

Ha! You are too sweet. Wanna be my agent?

JODI said...

Sure. Will work for food. ;-)