Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Crawling back into my hole now

I'm not complaining, but really, too much PR this week. I need a little respite from the media. I'm not sure I like much more of a spotlight than the glow of my computer screen.

So, I think the last mediums left are radio and skywriting, so perhaps that will give me a goal for next week....

Anyhoo, the bigger news is that Jessie girl turns one tomorrow. 1!! We've got pink cake, pink decorations, pink balloons and anything else Amy can find fitting our monochromatic theme.

After the week I've had in the limelight, a swaddling in baby pink sounds really, really wonderful.

Pictures tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Lemme guess; an exclusive interview with the controversial mommy-blogger and her baby-maker ovaries?...
Seriously, are we going to see you on TV? Details, please.

Hope Jessica has a perfect pink birthday!!

Tracey said...

You must have missed my exclusive interview on CBS this week...Luckily it was just me, my ovaries declined the interview. :)