Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Hello November

It's pretty sad when I leave on a post like that and then fade away.

Stevie's surgery went well. Although it wasn't what we thought, it still required the same surgery, so we are thankful we found it in time and were able to take care of it so soon.

And now, we move.

The movers are here and if I'm not typing furiously, they will pack this computer along with everything else in this house. It's amazing that it took me 3 months to pack 20 boxes, and they have my whole house boxed in 8. They are actually ahead of schedule, so we will be on the road to our new digs fairly soon.

But until then, we celebrate Stevie's 15th birthday feeling a little more humbled and much more blessed.

Happy Birthday, my Old Soul.


VB said...

So long, Henry family. I only wish I had the chance to get to know you better. You guys are going to be missed. Best wishes and blessings for your new home and have a safe journey.

Carl said...

Glad things went well for Stevie.