So now that I've had this Ash Wednesday to get organized, I can tell you about our trip to the lovely and completely forgettable, Midland, Michigan.
No, I'm kidding. We really had a great time, it's just an odd vacation destination is all. But we went there to see my Grandfather and so he could these great-grandchildren of his. Jess did not disappoint and gave him one of her nonsensical diatribes across the breakfast table complete with hand gestures and finger-waving. 90 years separate those two, and I cannot help but dwell on all of the love and life in between.
Much to Sean's gastric chagrin, we began our Michigan vacation with a trip to Big Boy--that culinary wonder.

He does not care much for this pleasant peninsula classic, but as I bit into that Slim Jim combination, I was taken back to many a day of my youth, and I swear I could smell my Mom's Cachet perfume sitting next to me.
After, we finished the drive up to our luxurious accommodations--the Holiday Inn. Now you know that I am admitted hotel snob, but I have to tell you, I was impressed. Not so much with the paper thin bed sheets, but for the mere fact they had a game room, indoor play place, pool and racquet ball courts. We had some fun getting our back-to-basics freak on with pinball and Ms. Pacman.
That night, after a quick visit with Grandpa and a not so quick trip to 37 different stores in search of boots and mittens, it started to snow. And snow. And snow. It was beautiful.
By the time we woke up the next morning, there was about 6 inches of fresh snow on the ground, and still coming down.

My Dad and Mary Anne came up, and we spent two days playing inside and then out. We tried sledding for the first time,

catching snowflakes on our tongues and generally figuring out this whole snow thing. Colleen came up on Sunday and we did the whole thing all over again with her. It was big fun.
I think after the kids had 36 hours of snow the consensus was that it was a great natural phenomenon to visit, but we wouldn't want to live there.

We ended the long weekend being almost late for the return flight because we had to make a stop at
Bronner's and turkey jerky.

I wish we were going back this weekend.